Are Small-to-Mid Sized Businesses the Catalyst to a Low Carbon Economy in BC?

Pacific Institute for Climate Solutions (PICS) White Paper

by Elizabeth Sheehan, Jens Ourom, Lloyd Lee, Climate Smart Businesses Inc. 

April 2013


This white paper disputes the notion that the transition to a low-carbon economy will create an undue burden on businesses, especially the small-to-medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) that are responsible for an estimated 20 percent of British Columbia’s greenhouse gas emissions. Thise research shows that BC businesses that reduce their carbon footprint not only lower their annual operating costs but also typically pay off the investment required within a few years. The report contains the detailed results of 11 Lower Mainland and Vancouver Island organizations that underwent GHG reduction training between 2010-2013, plus data from more than 500 other SMEs in BC. 



Please visit the PICS Website to download the report. 



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